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She plays Capoeira!

OLMatters: Tell us something we do not know about you:
RL: I played percussion in my Middle School band. 

Your favorite things are?
Book: The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
Film: The Shawshank Redemption
Portuguese Word: amendoim
English Word: hippopotamus
City: Barcelona, Spain

Preferred musical group/band, meal/drink?
I have a fairly eclectic taste in music. I'm talking Pearl Jam to Katy Perry to Bon Jovi to Marvin Gaye. If you are curious enough, you are welcome to peruse my Deezer. 
As for food, I love the classics: pizza, sushi, cheese, all Mexican food, and baked Lays BBQ potato chips. 

Do you do (any) sports?
I do! I am a member of my building's adult women's soccer league. We call ourselves the Barcelindas, judge all you'd like. I also technically participate in another sport, though I'm not sure if you can call what I do Capoeira. That said, twice a week I meet up with a Capoeira group and try my best. 

The best of Brazil?
The best thing about Brazil is the people! Brazilians are so friendly and social. I love that people in Brazil know their neighbors. I adore the little conversations you have with the checkout person at the pharmacy and how the guys at the esfiha counter in Largo do Machado know my kids by name. In Brazil your neighbors are your friends and your friends are members of your already ginormous family. It's wonderful. 

The worst of USA?
The lack of patience. After 10 years in Brazil I can't stand how Americans lack patience. Everyone is in a hurry and you should have arrived 10 minutes earlier. If you take two seconds too long in line the person behind you is already huffing, puffing, and sighing. It's exhausting. Americans could use a little Brazilian time flexibility... though not too much!

Complete the sentences:
Friends are ...   a constant breath of fresh air.
Family is ....   crazy but I wouldn't have them any other way.
Teachers are ...   our foundation.


Rachel Loerch - she is from California - is the new 2nd grade substitute teacher.

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