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Chess, the classic game that dates back to 1,500 years ago has recently began to make a comeback here at OLM. The current wave of the chess movement started about a month ago when I asked one of my students if he plays chess. He said yes, but we didn´t have a board to play. Then one day while talking with my 3rd grade colleague I noticed a chess board in the classroom and asked her to borrow it… still to this day I have yet to return it… Sorry Ms. Franklin!


After the first game, many of my students began to ask how to play. This quickly caught on and now we have about over 20 chess players in the third grade! They have been bringing their own boards from home to play, and spend as much time as possible playing. They love it! Who would have thought of the day that a bunch of Brazilian kids would choose to play a nice quiet game of chess instead of picking up the soccer ball and playing at recess? I think this chess movement will continue to grow here at OLM in the coming year. You probably will see me and my students playing chess all around the school.

Don’t be shy, come by and play a game with us. 

Mr. Vincent Spevack 

3rd Grade Teacher

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