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Exposição Cidade Acessível


Como parte do programa das aulas de Libras a visita ofereceu a oportunidade de vivenciar as 


novas tecnologias relacionadas à acessibilidade para pessoas com necessidades especiais.

It all started with a project that Ms. Xavier was working on with the 7th graders. The groups had to choose a place and make a Special Needs adaptation plan, like an adapted kitchen for a wheelchair user for example. To do this they would have to do some research and Ms. Xavier thought it would be a good idea if they could interview me about the hazards that my son Vicente, 21, who was born with Spina Bifida has gone and still goes through

being a wheelchair user.


The chat was great and the projects turned out to be very interesting. By coincidence the “Casa da Ciência”, of UFRJ- the Federal University of RJ located in Botafogo, is holding an exhibit called, “Exposição Cidade Acessível” and Ms. Xavier decided to organize a field trip for the 7th graders and invited Mr. Sanders and I to go as chaperones. 


The main objective of the exposition was to raise the public’s awareness about the problems people with Special Needs go through. After watching a short video that showed in a very amusing way some of the embarrassing and irritating situations people with Special Needs go through, we were taken to the showroom. There the students were offered varied equipment like crutches, wheelchairs, blind-folders and earphones and invited to “pretend” being a person with some disability. 


The kids accepted enthusiastically the challenge and experienced for example what it is to get on a bus in a wheelchair or being blind. They also had fun checking out some state –of- art software programs designed for people with Special Needs as well as some curious attractions like pots of different spices and aromas and fun signs written in Braille. 


In overall, it was an interesting experience for us all and I have no doubts that the students now have a pretty good idea of what people with Special Needs still need to face and endure in their daily lives.


Ms. Aoife Burke

Resource Center Teacher

The seventh grade field trip took place in the Adapted City exposition at Casa da Ciência.


There, we experienced a few ideas to make sure our city is adapted for all. Adaptations were made not only for the blind and deaf, but also for special cases like elderly, obese citizens, citizens with baby strollers and many more.


We had many activities there, which included a presentation, an experience as a citizen with a particular situation (blind, deaf, on a wheelchair, with a stroller, obese or pregnant, etc.) and special adaptations on computers, calculators and other daily devices for people with special needs.


It was fun playing around with all they have to offer in the exposition. It certainly was one of the most interactive and setailed exposition I’ve ever been to, and I hope to come back soon.


Ana Clara João 

Class of ´20 

The field trip to "Casa da Ciência" was amazing!


First, we watched a video in which disable and non-disable people talked about prejudice against disability, and how to help people with disabilities.


Then, at the exposition itself, we had to choose which disability we wanted to simulate, I chose to be blind. It was a very odd situation. All the sounds were noisy and confuse, plus I was really scared to walk. When I took off the blind fold my vision was very blurry.


Later I also tried to walk in a wheelchair, and simulate to be death, they weren´t so pleasant, but not as near as unpleasant as being blind. In the second part of the exposition there were many activities related to disabilities: a computer in which you wrote with your eyes, another one you moved things with your hand (without touching the screen), a braille writer, etc.


All of them were really nice to try. I learned a lot with this experience; especially that everybody is equal and should be respected.


Marina Lamas Koria 

Class of ´20 



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