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by Carla Mendes, Kátia Souza & Sandra Xavier

A Urece Esporte e Cultura para Cegos é uma associação sem fins lucrativos, no Rio de Janeiro, cuja missão é "difundir o real potencial da pessoa com deficiência visual, contribuindo para a sua inclusão social e proporcionando sua autonomia como indivíduo participativo na sociedade".

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A OLM tem orgulho e prazer em anunciar a visita dos jogadores da equipe de GoalBall da URECE,

no dia 9 de junho, para um ´amistoso´ com os alunos do Middle School.


Mais um evento que ficará na história da OLM pois será muito emocionante!


Para aqueles que não conhecem o esporte, o Goalball "é uma modalidade criada exclusivamente para atletas cegos e portadores de visão subnormal. É um esporte de equipe, disputado por dois times de três jogadores com, no máximo, três atletas reservas. Podem competir na mesma equipe atletas das classes B1(cego), B2 e B3 (portadores de visão subnormal), segundo as normas de classificação da Federação Internacional de Esportes para Cegos (IBSA). O Goalball é disputado nas categorias masculina e feminina. O grande número de atletas permitiu que o Brasil experimentasse uma enorme evolução neste esporte, ganhando, pela primeira vez, a medalha de prata nas Paralimpíadas de Londres em 2012."


Atletas do 6th, 7th e 8th grades - feminino e masculino - foram selecionados para um treino-jogo com os atletas da URECE.

Mais informações serão divulgadas em breve ... enquanto isso, assista uma partida do jogo visitando o site ...

URECE-RJ vence

e leva o trofeu

Regional Sudeste de Futebol de 5

Tricampeã na Competição

leia mais .... 

Foi em 2014 quando a brincadeira e a emoção conduziram uma aula de Educação Física do professor Marco Teixeira.


A turma de 2020 - então 6th grade - teve a oportunidade de experimentar momentos onde um dos sentidos - a visão - estava bloqueado.


Teremos agora a chance de ´jogar´ com os atletas da URECE onde a alegria e a emoção estarão novamente presentes!



Is really scary to be blind, I felt lost all the time and you realize how difficult it is to live without seeing.

-Nicola Barroero 7thA

I felt scared, afraid and ashamed, but it was also nice to try.

-Rosário Konortoff 7A

I liked this experience and I felt excited and scared.

-Gabriella Ronga 7B

Playing Goalball with the blindfold on our faces was really fun and stressful. In the end, it was nice to see how the blind team play. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed it. In my opinion, it was a great idea.

-Pedro Silva 8B

It was amazing to experience life from a blind person's point of  view and made me appreciate all the senses we have.

-Matheus Assunção 8A

I felt extremely nervous and disoriented!

-Marina Lamas 7A

This morning we experienced playing Goalball with some of the Brazilian Federation players. It was uncomfortable to be blind and lose the sense of direction. In this experience we could appreciate all the other senses we have and how difficult it is to be blind.

-Maria Clara Albuquerque 8A

I felt like never seeing again! It is really bad not to see, especially in a game.

-João Pedro Silva 6A

I really liked to play Goalball yesterday. In this sport, team work is required.  I learned how to be part of a group after playing.

-Maria Eduarda Vilhena 6A

Goalball made me realize how blind people live. When the blindfold was on my face I felt desperated. I got so nervous and anxious that I couldn't see anything, like being really blind. However, it was a very good experience.

-Maria Clara Perez  6B

I felt a little disoriented and a bit nervous because I did not know where the ball was. 

-Gabriel Alberg 7A

For me, it was a very good experience because it is so good to have these people in our school.

-Caio Dieckman 7A

Very cool, it was an awesome experience, I liked it so much.

-Jonas Cantalice 7th B

It was an interesting experience! I felt really helpless when attempting to kick the ball to the goal while blind. It's harder than it looks! Mad props for the legit athletes!

-Pedro Chames 8B

It was a bit scary, exciting, really fun, and crazy all the same time. It was a new experience that I really enjoyed.

-Juliana Souza 8B

When we saw the seven graders playing I thought to myself that the game would be boring. But actually when you are in the game you need to be very focused and concentrate in the senses other then vision.

-Enzo Sekito 6B

I really had a great experience playing a new game in a new way.

-Antonio Barreto 6B

In the beggining, I felt scared and insecure but afterwards I liked it. I thought it was a great experience.

-Teo Cores 8A

I felt uncomfortable by not being able to see but it was a nice experience.

-Salomé Boureau 8B

Parabéns à equipe:

Anderson Dias, Angelo Roberto, Anderson Nascimento, Wanderson Silva,
Neusimar Clemente, Alane Lílian, Larissa Sousa, Jéssica Alves
Treinadores: João Júnior e Gabriel Mayr

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