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Brotherhood is so important because it describes an attitude and a way of being with each other.  This way of being encourages discovering the so many ways that we are the same and the great extent of humanity that we share.  We can become more tolerant of our differences and in a spirit of joy and playfulness create an environment where unity can prevail.  It´s a way that we can be challenged and learn how to better take care of each other each day.

In our OLM brotherhood day, we celebrated our relationships with our colleagues as a way of worshiping God and realizing that everything we do can be done as gift to God and to praise his name.  As our God nature is recognized by others, we feel loved and better equipped to sacrifice and serve others. During this day, we had an opportunity to see the goodness of God in each person and to reflect on our personal relationship to God.

In our second activity during this Brotherhood day, each person shared two objects they love.  In this way, they opened a part of their lives not normally shown.  We were able to discover different parts of each person´s life history and create appreciation for the diversity among us. Everyone took it very serious and brought objects that truly revealed their hearts.  I saw group members who brought childhood objects, beautiful family albums, old baseball gloves, personal items of preference and enjoyment.  May we continue to take the risk of sharing our hearts each day so that others may have the privilege of knowing God in all of his divine ways through the love we can offer.

Juliana Cabral - Religion Teacher

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